Always Strong

The reason I’m having such a really bad, hard day is from three things. The extreme weakness I have from my rare disease, Dermatomyositis. It makes you beyond exhausted and weak as well as in pain. The hips, knee and lower back pain is from such a rare disease I got from the treatments for my Dermotomyositis in 2013-2016 where I was fighting to live with infusions three times a week of high doses of steroids and methotrexate. It caused bones in my left knee and right hip to die from no blood supply and the doctors had to chisel the dead bones out and then go into both hips to do a bone marrow transplant to put into my knee. I was told then it might not work and I may be in pain the rest of my life. Which is the case. The reason I couldn’t be touched this morning in my shoulders and mud back is from my Fibromyalgia acting up causing me terrible pain as I’ve been told I have a severe case of it. 

I came in this trip feeing horrible from the main two but wasn’t about not to come. I couldn’t walk when I first came but have been able to do some the last few days. I pushed myself big time but it’s been worth it! Having so much fun. 

This happens a lot to me with my doll business. But just as here, I push myself with it to. Sometimes having to take time off like now. But my business is worth it. I just change from making dolls to blankets to pacifiers and bracelets, depending what I can do at the time.

If my hearts in doing something I can normally do it. When I was so ill is one time I won one of my National Grand Championships with my horse Scotty. 

There are days where I just can’t do anything but stay in bed🥴And that’s okay too. 😉👍


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