"Don't be afraid of who you are"

Hello my name is Sierra Chanel Amon Sarmiento, I am 21 years old and I live in Dallas Texas, I have lived here all my life!

My passion in life are baby dolls, ever since I was very little, around 4 years old I was not able to put a baby doll down. Years later, I remember so clear watching a video of a lady making dolls, this is how I got into Reborn and silicone baby dolls. For me, Reborns help me with my depression, stress and anxiety. They keep me calm and put together. So, I thought that if they help me with my issues I bet other people will find comfort in them too... like mothers with miscarriages, grandparents, nursing homes, and people who just like dolls.

I knew I wanted to start making my own Reborns so I started painting them myself, I taught myself how to paint them, and of course, I took some classes here and there.  When I went to my first Rose International doll show I knew I wanted to start my own business, and that’s how Baby Adventures LLC started.

I have been going to doll shows as an expositor for 2 years now, so I am able to work doing what I love. There are shows in Layton ,Utah that is called the Rose International Doll Expo show.  It is the world largest Reborn dolls expo in the world.  People attend from as far away as Africa, Europe, Australia...

There are other important shows in Orlando FL, London and Ontario, Canada, that soon I want to attend.

Now let me tell you something about myself since I told you what I am doing for work and life wise..

My life started on July 20, 1997. I was born premature weighing 2 lbs 3 oz. and very fast I dropped to 1 lb 8oz. Can you imagine how tiny I was???

It was announced that I was not going to make it, I had a hole in my heart and many other problems but I knew from my first breath that I will always be a fighter!

I was so blessed with a beautiful, loving family that didn't care about me being premature and struggling for my life. They took care of me from day one and have been by my side ever since that first day.

Yes!!! I'm adopted and so grateful with God and Life for it.

As my mom said " WE WERE MEANT TO BE"! and I want to thank her for all the support she has given me through my whole life and also for believing in me.


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